Welcome. I’m Krista.

Your conversion-focused copywriter and email strategist​

I aim to get your prospects to yes so you can make more sales.​

Sound good? 

I help move your audience to yes

I write copy using voice of customer data and tried-and-tested copywriting techniques so it
authentically connects with your audience and
guides them through the buying journey.

Copyeditor turned copywriter

As a copyeditor, I ensured content was clear for readers while preserving the writer’s distinct voice.

As a copywriter, I use that same focus on clarity and voice to ensure your offer is clear and your copy sounds like the one-and-only you.

While my main focus now is copywriting and email strategy, not copyediting, I can’t turn off the copyeditor part of my brain. So I’ll review or edit your copy from both perspectives—giving you a two-for-one deal.

What does that mean for you?

It means I’ll notice if your CTA is unclear or where you could add a touch more persuasion, and I’ll also notice if your style guide says you use em dashes but your copy says otherwise.

And it means if you don’t have a style guide yet, I can help you with that too.

Great service is everything

I grew up in my family’s restaurant.

Why is that relevant to you?

Because it means good customer (client) service is ingrained in me and something I stand by—which translates to a seamless, stress-free experience for you.

Deadlines hit
Error-free copy
Hassle-free collaboration
Attention to detail
Efficient communication
Easy to work with

Here’s my process

for writing conversion-optimized copy

There’s no guesswork here. My approach is rooted in being guided by voice of customer research.

1. Research and discovery

2. Writing and editing

3. Low-fidelity wireframing

3. Feedback and revisions

4. Testing and further optimization

I’ve learned from the best . . .

Don’t just wonder if your copy is strong. Find out.

Easily find out where your copy is letting you down with a copy review of your website or email sequence.

I’ll give you actionable suggestions to ensure your offer is presented in the best way possible to optimize conversions.

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