Brand voice style guide

Onboard writers more efficiently. Reduce editing time. Never have to say, “That doesn’t sound like us” again.

You’ve invested in defining your brand strategy. You know your values, your mission and your unique position in the market. But something’s not clicking when it comes to your copy.

It’s like your brand voice is getting lost in a corporate version of Pass It On or Telephone—minus the playground fun.

Your strategy deck gathers digital dust while your writers struggle to translate those beautiful brand principles into actual day-to-day writing.

Every new blog post, social caption and email campaign feels like starting from scratch.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone.

Here’s what’s likely happening:

Your writers are talented, but they’re not mind readers.
Your content approval process is an endless cycle of “This doesn’t sound like us.”
Your team is spending hours trying to match the tone of previous content.
Your brand voice varies wildly depending on who’s writing that day.

The result? Inconsistent messaging that dilutes your brand’s impact and fails to build the trust that leads to conversions.

The missing piece? A concrete, actionable brand voice guide that transforms your strategic vision into practical writing directions.

Think of it as the bridge between your big-picture brand strategy and the daily reality of content creation. It’s the difference between hoping your content and copy sounds right and knowing it will. Every. Single. Time.

The missing link between your brand strategy and a consistent voice

A brand voice guide gives you:


Clear, specific direction on word choice, tone and style

Concrete examples

Real examples of your brand voice in action


A unified voice across all communication channels, strengthening brand recognition


Practical do’s and don’ts that eliminate guesswork


A consistent review process that saves time and frustration

More impact

Better copy and content that “sounds like you” and resonates with your audience

Stop letting the gap between strategy and execution dilute your brand’s impact.

Let’s build the bridge your writers and editors need to consistently deliver powerful, on-brand messaging that resonates with your audience and leads to more sales.

Why work with me?

I bring something unique to your voice guide project: the trained eye of a professional copyeditor combined with the results-focused approach of a conversion copywriter.

I’m a professionally qualified member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading. I’ve ensured consistency across thousands of pages of content.
As an editor I’ve been the one using style guides to ensure consistency. I’ve seen all types, all lengths, the good, the bad.  I know what’s useful and what’s not.

 This means your brand voice guide will:

Capture those subtle linguistic nuances that make your brand distinctly you
Document crucial grammar and punctuation preferences that others miss
Include precise rules for maintaining consistency (not just vague suggestions)
Feature clear examples of correct and incorrect usage

Think about it: copyeditors are professional consistency creators. We’re trained to spot voice variations that others miss and to document the exact patterns that make writing recognizable. It’s literally what we do all day, every day.

A copyeditor makes a mini style guide for every book we work on. They’re basically a crib notes version of a style guide. We spot and document all the identifiers of an author’s style so our edits only enhance the style and voice, not alter it, and so anyone else working on the project isn’t starting from scratch.

Why this matters for your brand

Your content team isn’t just struggling with tone and how much personality to inject into the writing. They’re grappling with dozens of small decisions:

Should we use the Oxford comma?
Do we capitalize this industry term?
When do we use numerals vs. spelled-out numbers?
How do we format product names?
Should this be a hyphen, en dash or em dash?

These seemingly tiny choices add up to create your brand’s distinctive voice. Miss them, and your content starts to feel inconsistent—even if you can’t quite put your finger on why.

That’s why your brand voice guide needs to go beyond the usual “We’re friendly but professional” fluff.

I deliver a comprehensive guide that covers everything from high-level tone to comma preferences. It’s the difference between a rough map and a detailed GPS system for your brand’s voice.

Document it once, use it for years

Your investment in a brand voice guide pays dividends for years to come from

Faster onboarding of new writers
Fewer hours spent on editing and revision rounds
Copy that “sounds like you” so you can build trust with your audience and make more sales

But your style guide is meant to be a living document. It’s not a fancy-schmancy highly designed PDF that should be left to collect dust.

It will be an editable Google doc meant for tweaking as time goes on as you add new services, market on different channels and so on.

You can make these changes yourself, or I can jump back in as Anonymous Anteater (or another silly Google Docs name) when needed.

A stress-free process (because you’re likely busy enough)

I believe creating your brand voice guide shouldn’t add to your workload.

My streamlined process means:

I do all the heavy lifting
You maintain control with minimal time investments
I meet every deadline (usually ahead of schedule)
You get more than you expect, every time
Your involvement is focused and efficient

Ready to give your writers a brand voice playbook?

Let’s get on a call and dig into how a custom brand voice guide could transform your writing and editorial processes and lead to better copy.

During our chat, I can:

Show you an example of a brand voice guide
Walk through how it could adapt to your specific needs
Answer all your questions about implementation
Outline what the process would look like for your organization
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